Saturday, August 20, 2011

Using Transitions in Writing

Using transitions in writing, is one of the critical elements, that separates a hack from a skilled scribe.  As my readers know, my current writing skill is sadly diminished, due to a long convalescence.  Blogging is an essential part of rehabilitating my writing skills.

I was fortunate to receive instruction from an exceptional English teacher in my first couple of years of college.  He not only clarified the hazy elements of grammar, but also provided clear guidance & encouragement on research papers.

I will cover other elements of research papers, and archival research in  general, in a future post.  Today I wanted to share a wonderful resource from the Capital Community College Foundation.  There is a menu widget at the top of that page for help with other elements of grammar.  But the key element I was looking for, was a list of transitions.

I still have the hard copy list my mentor provided me, but it is getting a bit worse for the wear. Thanks to Capital Community College Foundation, I have a handy list available on the cloud, which can be useful if I am at a clients job site.  Or if I am out and about and have to take care of some small issue with my Blackberry.

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